Sunday, May 22, 2016

Testosterone Clinic Treats Many Disorders

Many people believe, mistakenly, that the testosterone clinic is reserved for infertility patients. While infertility is a major reason men seek testosterone therapy, it is far from the only one. Testosterone is a multi-faceted hormone. It affects sexual desire and muscle mass, as well as fat deposition, mood, memory and energy. It also contributes to the health of the liver, kidney and heart, as well as blood, bone marrow and hair (balding and beard growth).

Testosterone production starts to decrease while men are still in their 20s and 30s. By the age of 60, about half of all men have low T. In the testosterone clinic, this drop is called andropause. It is similar to female menopause but not as abrupt.

It’s estimated that 2.4 million men in their 40s are afflicted with low T. But the biggest fans of testosterone clinics are men in their 60s— the fastest growing cohort in the United States. Baby boomers have never accepted the status quo, and they are not about to go gently into that good night. Testosterone therapy is now a $2-billion-plus industry, and the demand at testosterone clinics is rising like Noah’s flood.

Since testosterone is available in gel form, pills, injections, transdermal patches or implants, there are a number of options at the testosterone clinic. While there are products available online, an overdose of testosterone is linked to liver damage and infertility. So it’s wise to see a medical professional who can monitor testosterone levels via regular blood tests.

Testosterone clinic starts with a blood test

Treatment at the testosterone clinic begins with a blood sample, typically drawn in the morning because testosterone production increases at night. While testosterone levels vary depending on a man’s age, a sharp drop in testosterone levels indicates a potential problem. For that reason, most testosterone clinics will ask for blood samples to be drawn at regular intervals.

At the testosterone clinic, treatment is viewed through a long-term lens. The patient is checked monthly by the following procedures and metrics:
    rectal exam
    lipid profile
    PSA test
    liver tests
    sleep apnea
    bone density test

Subjectively, the doctor needs to know if the symptoms are abating or worsening. Depending on the patient’s response, the dosage can be adjusted accordingly.

Testosterone clinics stay abreast of the research

Most testosterone clinics follow the research on andropause. For example, it was long thought that testosterone supplements could contribute to prostate cancer. New research shows that prostate cancer is not caused by testosterone therapy but it may exacerbate an existing prostate disorder. For that reason, testosterone clinics may monitor a man’s urinary patterns, and order PSA tests.

Testosterone clinics offer patients the following choices. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Oral (tablets) are taken several times a day, and there is a risk of liver problems (which is not true of injections or the transdermal patch). Some patients at testosterone clinics report mouth irritation or a nasty taste.
  • Intramuscular injections produce the most dramatic effect, causing testosterone levels to spike. There have been reports of wild mood fluctuations. The injections are given once or twice monthly.
  • A subdermal implant (which does not involve surgery) lasts three to six months. On the negative side, the implant has been known to migrate or stray from its original site. This is a popular choice at testosterone clinics, with 10% of patients opting for the implant.
  • A transdermal patch on the scrotum. This method involves shaving the area each day. The patch can produce skin irritation. 
  • Transdermal gels are the most popular choice. On the down side, the testosterone ointment may be transferred to a man’s partner. While the gel is convenient, it carries a noticeable odor.

Monday, March 21, 2016

What You Should Know About Growth Hormone Replacement

Human growth hormone (HGH) injections are the standard course of treatment for people who have been diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency. HGH therapy is designed to restore healthy levels of growth hormone to treat common side effects like stubborn weight gain and lost muscle mass. Here's what you should know if your doctor has recommended HGH therapy.

What is Human Growth Hormone?

Growth hormone is one of your body's most important hormones, both during childhood and adulthood. Growth hormone is produced and secreted by the pituitary gland in the hypothalamus. The main purpose of GH is triggering cell regeneration and growth in kids and adolescents to grow taller and build muscle, bone, and fat. In teenagers and adults, growth hormone is responsible for regulating a healthy body composition to keep muscle, fat, and bone in proper proportion. It also helps with everything from heart function to metabolizing fat and sugar.

Growth hormone levels begin to decline in men and women some time after puberty, with a faster decline beginning around the age of 30.

Understanding HGH Deficiency

Someone has growth hormone deficiency if their pituitary gland fails to produce sufficient HGH. HGH deficiency can occur in people of any age and there are many known causes. In children, GH deficiency is often the result of a genetic condition like Turner's syndrome. Adult onset HGH deficiency is usually the result of damage to the pituitary gland. This may be caused by a pituitary tumor, radiation, a severe head injury, an autoimmune disorder, or interrupted blood flow to the pituitary gland.

Adults with HGH deficiency can experience a wide range of symptoms, some severe enough to interfere with daily life. Common symptoms of low growth hormone include:
·         Osteoporosis or lost bone density
·         Low energy and low stamina
·         Problems with memory and concentration
·         Increased fat, especially on the abdomen
·         Decreased muscle mass and strength
·         Sexual dysfunction
·         High cholesterol, which may lead to heart disease
·         Sensitivity to hold and cold

Why Consider HGH Therapy?

While the severity of the symptoms vary by person, growth hormone deficiency is a serious problem. When your body fails to produce enough growth hormone, your body will have trouble building and maintaining bone and fat, and your metabolism will suffer. This can lead to an unhealthy body composition and a higher risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.

If you suspect you have low growth hormone levels, your doctor can check your hormones with a simple blood test. HGH injections are the only way to effectively restore normal growth hormone levels and counteract these symptoms. Hormone therapy has been safely used for decades and it has a proven track record. If you have symptoms of low HGH, you don't need to live with your symptoms or assume they're signs of normal aging. Schedule a consultation to have your HGH levels checked. 

3 Important Benefits of HGH Therapy

Your body has dozens of hormones that help you do everything from build muscle to break down food and absorb nutrients. One of the body's most important hormones is human growth hormone (HGH). Growth hormone is responsible for triggering and regulating growth processes to build bone, muscle, and fat, help you grow in size and strength, and more. As important as this hormone is to children, it also plays many roles in adults. HGH helps control your metabolism, maintain your muscles and bones, and fuel the replacement of new cells that die or become damaged.

Adults and children who have a growth hormone deficiency are usually prescribed HGH injections, which can reduce fat, boost bone density, and improve muscle mass while helping to regulate other important processes in the body. Here are three of the most important benefits of HGH therapy.

1. Boost Bone Density

People who have growth hormone deficiency have reduced bone mineral density. In the past, research showed uncertainty as to whether HGH therapy could improve bone density, but several studies have found that HGH replacement can reverse some of the effects of the deficiency on bone density in adults. This can help reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

2. Reduce Fat

Adults with an HGH deficiency usually have trouble metabolizing fat, which leads to stubborn weight gain. According to several recent studies, HGH replacement results in an average of 5 pounds of decreased fat, which is equal to the amount of lean muscle the average person gains. While study participants ended the study at the same weight, they had a healthier body composition. Most fat lost from hormone replacement is in the abdomen, which is the most dangerous type of fat because it's associated with an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes.

3. Increased Muscle

Another important function of growth hormone in adults is building and maintaining muscle. Studies have shown that people who receive growth hormone replacement and exercise gain an average of five pounds of lean muscle over six months. Growth hormone therapy has proved to be an effective way of improving lean muscle mass and improving body composition.

While HGH therapy also has anti-aging benefits, growth hormone is not approved for anti-aging, only for individuals who have a growth hormone deficiency. If you suspect you have an HGH deficiency -- including fatigue, decreased sexual function, anxiety, higher body fat, reduced muscle, and sensitivity to cold and heat -- it's important to schedule a consultation with an experienced HGH doctor.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Laser Treatments for Nail Fungus: What You Should Know

Toenail fungal infections can be serious. Along with the disfigurement and embarrassment, these infections can cause serious complications like permanent nail loss or widespread infection. There are several ways to treat toenail fungus, although the sad truth is the infection is often chronic, particularly in people who are susceptible, such as those with diabetes or a weakened immune system.

The most common way to treat a fungal infection is the oral medication Lamisil, which is cheap and usually safe -- although it can cause liver damage. One of the problems with oral medication is the fungus lives in dead tissue, which is hard to reach with medication as there is no blood flow. Even topical medication has limited success, as the nail itself is very hard to penetrate.

Even with medication, the fungal infection can still come back and many people resort to having their toenail removed surgically to prevent the nail (and fungus) from growing back. About 22% of people who take oral medication for a toenail fungal infection report the infection coming back.

How Laser Nail Fungal Treatments Work

Dallas Toenail fungus laser treatment - Infinity Foot & AnkleLaser therapy is the solution to a hard-to-reach infection of the toenails. Unlike oral or topical medication, lasers produce light energy that can penetrate the tissue and destroy the fungus without harming surrounding tissue.Laser therapy for fungal infections has been approved by the FDA because it can kill the fungus that lives in (and under!) the nail. The light energy targets the pathogens that cause fungus. Unlike medication, laser therapy has no side effects and it's an option for patients who cannot take oral medication for health reasons.

The laser therapy is painless, although you may notice a warm sensation. Some people feel a mild pinprick sensation. The procedure takes about 30 minutes to kill the fungus. Once your treatment is complete, keep in mind there is a chance for the infection to reoccur if there is fungus still present elsewhere that spreads to the toenail.

While your toenail will not instantly clear up after treatments are complete, the fungus itself will be cleared. As your toenails grow out over 3 or more months, they will grow in clear and healthy.

Laser treatment is one of the most promising new treatments for fungal infection. Laser therapy is safe and effective and it's been used to treat everything from skin lesions to wrinkles for decades. Studies have found that laser therapy has a very high success rate of 87% in the treatment of toenail fungus, all without pain.

If you have toenails that are thickened, yellow, or cracked, it's important to seek treatment for the fungal infection as soon as possible to minimize and reverse disfigurement and avoid potential complications.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

What You Need to Know About Penis Enlargement Products

It seems you run into ads for penis enlargement products everywhere you turn. There are certainly no shortage of pills, exercises, surgical procedures, and devices that claim they can increase the width and girth of your penis, but it's important to separate the facts from the claims.
The truth is no reputable medical organization endorses cosmetic penis surgery due to the risks, potential damage, and low patient satisfaction rate. 

Products like pills, meanwhile, are not approved by the FDA and there is absolutely no evidence that they work. In fact, some pills and supplements may actually cause more harm than good, and you don't really know what's in them.

Companies that boast non-surgical penis enlargement treatments often promote them with testimonials, questionable photographic "proof," and skewed data with very little or no scientific research. If you're interested in something that will actually do the job, here's a run-down of the most common treatments and products on the market now.

Penis Enlargement Techniques

Here's an overview of some of the most popular penis enlargement products and techniques you may hear about.


Over-the-counter pills and products that claim they can enlarge your penis are usually made with minerals, vitamins, herbs, and/or hormones. Not a single one of these creams or pills have been proven to work at all, and some can actually be harmful.


Penis pumps work by drawing blood into the penis to make it swell. This is also a common treatment for some types of erectile dysfunction. Pumps do work at making the penis appear larger, but it's only temporary. There is also a downside: using a vacuum pump too often or for too long can actually cause permanent damage to the elastic tissues of the penis, which means softer erections.


Jelqing is a hand exercise that's designed to force blood from the base of the penis to the head. While there is no proof it works and it does seem safer than other penis enlargement techniques, keep in mind that jelqing can (and has) led to pain, scarring, and permanent disfigurement.

Traction Devices

One product that is effective is a stretcher device, which attaches to the penis and exerts traction. This device must be worn for at least six months and nearly an entire day, every day, to see results. While it can increase the length of your penis by up to an inch eventually, it can't address girth, and more research is still necessary to determine long-term safety.

Gaines Method

The P-Shot and the Gaines method are both penis enlargement procedures that use the science of platelet rich plasma (PRP). PRP comes from your own blood and its concentrated platelets and growth factors can stimulate cell regeneration, repair, and growth in a specific treatment area. This PRP penis enlargement procedure involves creating PRP from your own blood, then numbing the penis before injecting the PRP into specific areas. The Gaines method has been shown to increase the length and girth of the penis without side effects or risks, and it can help improve appearance and sensation.
While this likely does not cover all of the penis enhancement procedures and products you run across, just remember that it's important to do your research before risking your health and safety in search of a larger penis. 

The Priapus Shot - P Shot for Men - Male Enhancement

Monday, March 9, 2015

Signs You Have Low Testosterone

Testosterone deficiency is a very real health condition, and many studies in recent years have found that men who have low T are at a higher risk for osteoporosis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and more. While most men know the most obvious symptom of low testosterone -- erectile dysfunction or low libido -- there are actually many signs your hormone levels are off. Watch for the following signs that you have low T. 

1. Low Libido

A man's sex drive is fueled in large part by the hormone testosterone. While every man differs in how often he wants to have sex, a man with low T will often become less interested in sex or not think about it often at all. 

2. Erectile Dysfunction

A molecule called nitric oxide (NO) is responsible for triggering erections. Testosterone is necessary to trigger the release of NO, however, and if there is not enough testosterone in a man's blood, not much NO will be released, and this can result in erectile dysfunction. Sometimes erections will be completely impossible, or they may not be firm enough for sex. 

3. Low Ejaculatory Volume

The prostate, testicles and seminal vesicles work together to create sperm-containing fluid that is released upon ejaculation. All three components need a steady supply of testosterone to produce between 1.5 and 5 cubic centimeters of ejaculatory fluid, which is considered normal. Men who have low testosterone may notice a decline in ejaculatory volume. 

4. Chronic Fatigue

While most people get tired at the end of a long day, a man with low T will feel utterly depleted, and complain that he feels more tired than he should. This is one of those low T symptoms that men often just attribute to getting older. 

5. Mood Issues

Low testosterone can also result in a wide range of emotional or mood problems, leading men to feel down, less optimistic or even depressed. It can also cause irritability and other mood problems. This problem is usually more apparent to family members and friends. 

6. Genital Numbness

Men with low T frequently complain of numb genitals, but this is one of the least recognized low testosterone symptoms among men. While the genitals are usually not completely numb, a touch can fail to deliver the spark necessary for pleasurable sex. 

7. Reduced Muscle

While men with low testosterone do not become overly weak, they will notice they are not as strong as they used to be. Some men even have noticeable shrinkage in arm and leg muscles. 

Low testosterone can be identified through simple blood work. If you have any of these symptoms of low T, schedule a consultation with HealthGains today to have your testosterone levels checked and discuss your treatment options.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

How PRP Injections Reduce Wrinkles

It's easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of wrinkle treatments on the market today. From creams and laser treatments to surgery, dermal fillers and injections, how can you decide which option is right for you? One of the newer options today is something called PRP therapy.

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy, or PRP, has been used for decades in sports medicine and to help people recover from wounds. Over the last few years, it has gained a reputation in the cosmetic industry for its ability to rejuvenate skin. PRP injections can do what dermal fillers, surgery and other treatments cannot: it not only improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, it also improves skin texture and tone. One of the biggest benefits is that PRP is also all natural, as it uses your own blood to treat saggy skin on the face, forehead wrinkles, crow's feet and more.

Understanding Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

Platelet rich plasma therapy begins by drawing vials of blood from your arm and spinning it in a centrifuge to isolate the platelets. Once these platelets and growth factors are concentrated, they are injected into treatment areas of your face or neck. Platelets are tiny cells that help with clotting. When they come together in the blood, they release enzymes that speed healing and prompt tissue repair, while also drawing stem cells to the damaged area.

PRP can be injected into sun-damaged skin, wrinkled skin or sagging areas to focus your natural healing ability where it is needed to achieve a more youthful appearance.

How PRP Injections are Used

PRP therapy can speed healing, improve fine lines, and improve your skin texture. Unlike many fillers, which are only appropriate for small or large wrinkles, or certain areas of the face, PRP therapy can improve the following:
·         Deep acne scarring
·         Forehead wrinkles
·         Neck lines and wrinkles
·         Bags under the eyes
·         Sagging, loose skin
·         Lip wrinkles
·         Marionette lines
·         Nasolabial folds
·         Crow's feet

PRP Side Effects: What You Should Know

Another benefit of PRP therapy? There are virtually no side effects, aside from redness at the injection site and the potential for mild bruising, both of which are common after any injection. Because this treatment uses your own blood, you do not risk any allergic reaction or rejection.

It's important to realize that PRP therapy, while impressive, will not offer surgical results and it cannot offer a dramatic improvement in very loose skin or very deep wrinkles. Still, this anti-aging treatment can offer big improvement in many skin problems like fine lines and poor skin texture.

When used for cosmetic or anti-aging purposes, you can expect to need up to three injections that are spaced four weeks apart. This will offer the very best results, which may be visible as soon as one to two weeks after your procedure. The final results can take up to three months, as PRP induces your body to use its own healing mechanism. Results usually last around two years.

Are you looking for a safe, effective and all-natural anti-aging solution to help turn back the clock? PRP injections may be the right treatment option for you. Schedule an appointment with Healthgains to discuss the benefits of PRP therapy and learn more about what it can do for you.